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Anatomy of the number 8

Pythagorean numerology of number 8

number 8

"Ora et labora"

"Pray and work"

Properties of the number 8

  • Divisors : 4
  • Number of divisors: 1, 2, 4 et 8
  • 1st Prime number: no
  • ɸ Fibonacci number : yes
    0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, etc.
  • Triangular numbers : no
  • Cubic numbers : yes
    1, 8, 27, 64 etc
  • 2n Power of 2 : yes
    1, 2, 4, 8, etc
  • 3n Power of 3: no

Numerology of the number 8:

  • Letters corresponding to the number 8: H, Q and Z ~HQZ
  • Complementary number to the number 8 : number 2
  • Theosophical addition of the number 8 : 1 + 2 + ... + 8 = 36
  • Secret Value of the number 8:
    36 = 3 + 6 = 9
  • Numbers with the number 8 as a reduction: 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, 80, etc
  • Source numbers at the origin of the number 8 : 17, 26, 35, 44 and 80.

How to get the number 8 in numerology

Numbers that produce 8

In numerology, the number 8 is obtained by adding the digits of a number or a word until you get a single digit equal to 8. Here is how to get a number 8 in numerology:

If you have a number between 10 and 99, you can get a number 8 by adding its digits together. For example, for the number 89, you add 8 + 9 = 17. And 17 = 1 + 7 = 8.

If you have a number greater than 99, you can get a number 8 by repeating the operation until you get a single digit. For example, for the number 575, you add 5 + 7 + 5 = 17, then 1 + 7 = 8. For the number 1241, you add 1 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 8.

If you have a word, you can get a number 8 by adding the numbers corresponding to each letter of this word, according to the correspondence of the letters of the alphabet with the numbers of numerology.

For example, for the word "lawyer" you add 1 (a) + 4 (v) + 6 (o) + 3 (c) + 1 (a) + 2 (t) = 17, then 1 + 7 = 8. So the numerical reduction of the word "lawyer" is 8.

In summary, to obtain a number 8 in numerology (see table opposite), there are 5 possibilities, or "source numbers": 17, 26, 35, 44 and 80.

how to get number 8 in numerology.

Geometric shapes associated with the number 8

Symbols of unity, principle and beginning

In sacred geometry, the number 8 can be associated with many different geometric shapes and symbolic meanings. Here are some examples of geometric shapes that can be associated with the number 8 in sacred geometry:

  • The geometric shape of an octagon: the number 8 can be associated with an octagon, which is a geometric figure formed by the joining of eight line segments of equal length. An octagon can symbolize harmony, balance and stability in some traditions.
  • The geometric shape of an octagram: The octagram is a geometric figure formed by the union of eight line segments of equal length. It is an eight-pointed star.
    The geometric shape of a cube: the number 8 can be associated with a cube, which is a solid formed by the union of six equal squares.
  • The number 8 can also be represented by a wheel with 8 branches.

The first way to obtain the number 8 in geonumerology comes from the source number 17 obtained by adding a unit to a centered hexagon, that is the decomposition 1 + 7.

geometric components of number 17

The decomposition 1 + 7 corresponds geometrically to the construction of the cubic numbers by adding the centered hexagonal numbers.

number 8 from 17

The Cube

The second way to obtain the number 8 in geonumerology comes from the source number 26 obtained by adding a line to a 6-pointed cross.


geometric components of number 26

The decomposition 2 + 6 corresponds geometrically to the 8-pointed cross or 8-spokes wheel.

number 8 from 26

The 8-pointed Cross

The third way to obtain the number 8 in geonumerology comes from the source number 35 obtained by adding a triquetra to a Templar cross, that is to say the decomposition 3 + 5.

geometric components of number 35

The decomposition 3 + 5 corresponds to the number 8 of the Fibonacci sequence obtained by adding 3 and 5.

Number 8 from 35

The Egg of Life

The fourth way to obtain the number 8 in geonumerology comes from the source number 44 obtained by adding a square to a square.

geometric components of number 44

The decomposition 4 + 4 corresponds geometrically to an octagram.

number 8 from 44

The Octagram

The fifth way to obtain the number 8 in geonumerology comes from the source number 80 obtained by adding an octagon to a circle.

geometric components of number 80

The decomposition 8 + 0 corresponds geometrically to the Octagon, or eight-sided polygons.

number 8 from 80

The Octagon

What is the meaning of the number 8 in numerology

Personality of number 8

In numerology, the number 8 is generally associated with success and material abundance. It can be seen as a symbol of power and strength, but also of responsibility.

The number 8 is also often considered a karmic number, indicating that a person has accumulated experience and wisdom in their past lives and now has the opportunity to apply these lessons to their current life.

The number 8 can also be considered a transition number, indicating that a person is about to move to a higher level of consciousness or fulfillment.

number 35 archetype of the Protector

The Protector

Here are some characteristics that might be associated with the number 8:

  • Ambitious and determined
  • Likes power and success
  • Can be materialistic and business oriented
  • Likes to be in control
  • Can be authoritarian and bossy
  • May have difficulty showing emotions
number 80 archetype of the Leader

The Leader

number 17 archetype of the Architect

The Architect

number 26 archetype of the Manager

The Manager

number 44 archetype of the Warrior

The Warrior

Number 8 in excess or in lack

What does an excess of 8 mean in numerology

For example, if you have an excess of 8 in numerology, it may mean that you are very focused on business and material success, but may have neglected other aspects of your life, such as relationships or spirituality.

To find balance, it may be helpful to work on developing qualities associated with other numbers, such as love and compassion (associated with number 2) or creativity and inspiration (associated with number 3).

What does a lack of 8 mean in numerology

In numerology, a lack of 8 can indicate that someone is having difficulty achieving their professional and material goals, or that they are having trouble managing the financial aspects of their life effectively. It can also indicate a person who tends to lack confidence in their abilities, is afraid to take risks and needs support to achieve their aspirations.

To remedy a lack of 8, it is important to develop self-confidence, focus on your goals and pursue them with determination.

With which numbers is the 8 compatible in numerology

For example, the number 2 is often considered compatible with the 8 because it is associated with balance, stability and diplomacy, which can help the 8 adapt to situations and manage relationships effectively.

The number 4 is also considered to be compatible with the 8 as it is associated with precision, planning and organization, which can help the 8 achieve their professional and material goals effectively.

The number 6 is also considered compatible with the 8 as it is associated with love, responsibility and caring for others, which can help the 8 to build balanced relationships and avoid being influenced by others.

The number 9 is also considered compatible with the 8 as it is associated with universality and global understanding, which can help the 8 to better understand others and build balanced relationships.

number 11 , 2 circles

Location of the number 8 in the matrix of 9 numbers

The Spirit of the Place

Power in the service of the Other

Second attribute of the Natural or Physical World

  • The number 8 is located in the third row: Natural or Physical World.
  • The number 8 is located in the second column: Human or Psychic Attribute.
  • The number 8 represents the reflection of the Human World in the Natural World through space and matter, etc.
  • Power in the service of the Other: my relationships, my material achievements, etc.
  • Associated terms: warmth, relationships, achievements, altruism, etc.
  • Law in play: law of karma.
  • Topology: the reflection of the Middle in the Bottom
matrix number 8 by number 80

Expression path of the number 8

Path of involution (Spiritualize the Matter) where you have to manage space and matter

expression paths of number 8
Check to see if these numbers or symbols are present in your profile.

Examples :
favoured paths of number 35

In numerology, if your symbol of expression corresponds to the number 8, you will need to rely on numbers (to be identified among your personal numbers) coming from the two higher worlds, the Spiritual and the Human, in order to realize the unity within yourself, to link the Upper, the Self (your aspirations) and the Lower, the I (your concrete achievements).

In numerology, the number 8 is considered as the number of authority, material success and ambition. It is associated with achievement, power, self-confidence, ambition, financial success and responsibility.

The path of expression of the number 8 is generally linked to the achievement of one's goals, power, self-confidence, ambition, financial success and responsibility. It can be linked to the ability to be a leader (with 1), the ability to be authoritative, the ability to be competent (with 2), the ability to be efficient and the ability to be responsible (with 2). It is also linked to the ability to be ambitious (with 3), determined (with 6), and to have a strong will to succeed (with 1).

The paths indicated with a "compass rose" are particularly beneficial and offer the possibility of full fulfillment for a person with the number 8 in expression:

  • Arrow 258: Empaths.
  • Arrow 268: The Responsible ones.
  • Arrow 358: Protectors - corresponds to the symbol 8_35, the Protector.

To know your expression symbol, as well as your other personal symbols, you just have to fill in the form in the top banner.

Symbolism of the number 8

Symbolic systems linked to the number 3

The Astrologer

The compass rose is a figure indicating the cardinal points: N for north, S for south, E for east, W for west and the intermediate directions.

The Initiate

The cubic stone, the great tetactys, the Quadrature, etc. 

The Magician

The 4 Elements and the 4 States of the matter. The distinction of four elements goes back, to Empedocles (about 460 BC): "There are four elements, fire, water, earth and air. Friendship brings them together and hatred separates them."

The Egyptian

The 4-axis Solar Wheel with its 8 branches is a symbol found extensively in the Celtic world.

The Religious

The Cosmic Christ, the Wheel of Dharma, the Kaaba, etc. The word "dharma" can be translated as "law", and therefore, the wheel of Dharma can be considered the wheel of law.

The Alchemist

The 8 Trigrams of the I Ching, etc. Essential concept of Taoism evoking the perpetual change of life, alternating Yin (broken line) and Yang (solid line) through eight archetypes of nature.

The Scientist

The musical octave, the atomic number of oxygen, etc.

The Psychologist

The 8 personality types according to Carl Jung, etc.

The Philosopher

The cube represents the Earth among the 5 Platonic Solids. Composed of 8 vertices and 6 square faces and 12 edges.

The cube symbol of number 8bagua, yi king , symbol of number 88-pointed star, symbol of number 8
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