The First Personality Reading Based On
The Sacred Geometry Of Your Name Symbols.
All numbers with the number 8 for reduction are obtained using the following five forms:
• 17 = 1 + 7 = 8
• 26 = 2 + 6 = 8
• 35 = 3 + 5 = 8
• 44 = 4 + 4 = 8
• 80 = 8 + 0 = 8
The number 35 is quite rare, appearing in 20% of cases.
The number 35 is formed by the addition of a triquetra (number 3) and a Templar Cross (number 5), both formed using circles (the only form common to the numbers 3 and 5).
The Cube issued from the Seed of Life is a sign of concretization, of complete materialization through the fusion between Heaven (circle) and Earth (cube).
It is the way to perfection, completion, love of Nature. An iron hand in a velvet glove. You might tend to take refuge in your family cocoon. For you it is difficult to dissociate the material and the emotional, the two must go hand in hand. The cube of life represents the culmination of axis 258 which evokes the materialization of human feelings, sometimes lived in an enclosed or protected space.
« I am One, Atoum, who becomes Two,
I'm Two, Cabbage and Tefnut, which becomes Four,
I am Four who becomes Eight,
and I remain One. »
Text inscribed on the sarcophagus of a priest of Amon (XXIIth dynasty).
"I realize myself by materializing (8) the ideal of Wisdom (3) that I carry in my heart (5)."
Your symbol is located in the Physical World, on the third line, which represents the "I" and its manifestation in the community, and in the attribute of Love, in the second column, the one that evokes the relationship that is built between the other and Me: social, spiritual or loving bonds.
Location in the matrix: 8
Bottom row - Second column
35 = 3 + 5 = 8
“Wisdom (3) enlightens the Word (5), conferring on the consultant a Power (8) of influence and authority that manifests itself through just and powerful words.”
Interpretation : 35 indicates that inner wisdom must be put to work through the spoken word.The consultant is encouraged to express himself with discernment and clarity, as his words have the power to influence and transform his environment.Words, guided by wisdom, strengthen personal power and can have a significant impact when aligned with enlightened intention.
Unity Truth Strength |
Balance kindness Love |
Harmony Beauty Wisdom |
Mind Think Eyes |
Soul Feel Word |
Body Do Hands |
Ligth Knowledge Time |
Heat Power Space |
Life Duty Energy |
Interpretation : This maxim expresses the fundamental idea of causality and consequence, indicating that the actions we take and the efforts we invest today will determine the results and rewards we achieve in the future.
The Egg of Life is a densification of the Seed of Life symbol. It represents the materialization of emotions, of Love as a link in the physical world: the cohesive force that enables cellular and life development. The Egg of Life represents the fulfillment of column 258.
Several paths exist to manifest the energy of the Egg of Life, but some paths are more promising than others, because they allow a favorable alignment of energies for the realization of its vocation. This is the case in particular of the "arrows" formed by the numbers 258 and 358.