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Sacred Geometry of the number 26

Symbol of the Eight-pointed Cross or the Wheel of Dharma

Card number 26 : Cross 4D

All numbers with the number 8 for reduction are obtained using the following five forms:
• 17 = 1 + 7 = 8
• 26 = 2 + 6 = 8
• 35 = 3 + 5 = 8
• 44 = 4 + 4 = 8
• 80 = 8 + 0 = 8

The number 26 is quite rare, appearing in 20% of cases.

The Energy Cross associated with the number 26 is drawn on the four-lobe grid which refers to instinctive intelligence, that of "common sense".

The two quaternary axes (one passive, the other active), once set in rotation, bring energy and dynamism, which initiate frequent changes of state.

the different ways to get the number 8 in numerology

Symbolic keys

Symbolic systems linked to the number 26

The meanings of the symbol

  • On the spiritual or divine level: the Solar Cross.
  • On the psychic or human level: the Wheel of Life.
  • On the physical or natural level: the "Eight Winds".
  • Common sense: the Wheel of Dharma.
  • Esoteric meaning: the Word in action in the community, humanity. The passive spiritual quaternary actuated by the active spiritual quaternary. The spiritual generation.
  • Family in geonumerology: Cross.

Binary Composition

  • Composition: a circle divided into 8 equal parts.
  • Originates from: cross 4 (22) or 6 (24).
  • Evolves into: 8 shapes (80, 44).

symbol of the number 26

The ternary composition of the Cross 4D

Spirit, Soul and Body

body of number 26

Spirit of the symbol

  • 2 + 6 = 8
  • Grid: quatrefoil
  • Position of the units: periphery only.
  • Decision-making mode: reason
Soul of number 26

Soul of the symbol

  • Mode: Expansion
  • Type: Radiation
  • Orientation: outwards
  • Axes: double quaternary - angle = 45 °
Cross 4D

Body of the symbol

  • Emotional Body -> Instinctive Body
  • Composition: a circle divided into eight equal parts.
  • Proceeds from: 4-pointed Cross (22) or 6-pointed Cross (24)
  • Evolves towards: octagon (80) or octagram (44)
vibration frequency of the number 26

Vibratory resonance

  • Frequency: 360 Hz
  • Lower octave: 180 Hz
  • Upper octave: 720 Hz

The Manager

The 8-armed Cross

personnalite du nombre 26 homme

The eight-pointed Cross or Wheel of Life (Dharma) evokes the continuous changes we face. It symbolizes the energy of the "Eight Winds" and is associated with the 8 trigrams of the I Ching, "the book of transformations".

It is linked to the notions of Justice, loyalty and entrepreneurship. It indicates many and varied contacts along the way. You put human relations before your "career plan" and don't hesitate to change your approach when the pleasure is gone. Like a wheel that turns around its axis, your symbol is the image of energy and activity: you alternate ups and downs, perpetually in demand, you don't know where to start.

Ora et labora.
« Pray and work. »

number 26 archetype of the Manager

The spirit of the place

Number and position of units making up the number 26

Location of number 26 in the matrix

  • Reduced number : 8
  • Complementary number : 2
  • Arithmetic decomposition : 2 + 6
  • Algebraic typology : compound number
  • World : Physical World
  • Attribute : in service of Others
  • Law at stake : law of Karma

My material achievements and my human relations

"I realize myself fully (8) within my family (6), a privileged place to express my feelings and emotions (2)."

Your symbol is located in the Physical World, on the third line, which represents the "I" and its manifestation in the community, and in the attribute of Love, in the second column, the one that evokes the relationship that is built between the other and Me: social, spiritual or loving bonds.

Location of number 26 in the matrix of Three Worlds

Location in the matrix: 8

Bottom row - Second column

26 = 2 + 6 = 8

Keywords for 8-pointed Cross

Balance (2) guides Actions (6) of Will, enabling the consultant to structure Space and Matter (8) with harmony and determination.”

Interpretation : 26 indicates a period when inner balance must be maintained for actions to be carried out with strength and will in the material world. The consultant is invited to harmonize his decisions and actions, to influence his environment in a stable and constructive way. This is a propitious time to build or organize the material world with intention and care.



Love and do what you want

Interpretation : a quote often attributed to Saint Augustine. It expresses the idea that, if love guides our actions, then we can act freely, because genuine love will always direct our choices towards what is right and good. Love, in this context, is not simply a romantic emotion, but a fundamental principle that governs our relationships with others, ourselves and the world.

The paths of expression of the number 26

Path of involution (Spiritualize the Matter) where you have to manage space and matter

paths of expression of the number 8
Check to see if these numbers or symbols are present in your profile.

The Energy Cross is similar to the Indian Dharma Wheel : to put it simply, it refers to all the social, legal, family, personal, but also natural and cosmic laws that must all be respected or else the entire cosmos will go wrong! The principles of righteousness, merit and justice are associated with it. This symbol therefore expresses the regeneration and perpetual renewal of cycles, and moreover, the Wheel indicates the 8 paths that allow us to extract ourselves from the cycle of reincarnations.

Several paths exist to manifest the energy of the Wheel of Dharma but some paths are more promising than others, because they allow a favourable alignment of energies for the realization of its vocation. This is the case of the "arrows" formed by the numbers 246 and 268.

path of expression 248 of the Rationalist and 268 of the Family Leader
  • The "arrow 248" represents the binary way of thinking based on the sequence of doubles (1-2-4-8-16-etc) characteristic of vibratory phenomena, especially human ones (cellular reproduction, family tree).
    The "268 arrow", composed only of even female numbers, represents the arrow of affect, but dominated by the reason of the analytical type.
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