Discover your inner nature

The First Personality Reading Based On 
The Sacred Geometry Of Your Name Symbols.

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What is Geo-numerology?

[R]evolution of numerology integrating the other aspects of esoteric teaching of Pythagoras: the geometry and reasoning by analogy based on the existence of three worlds or three planes in the universe.


According to the principle of correspondence between letters and numbers, your name carries a numerical value which defines your deep identity, 
your vibratory signature.


By breaking down the number, according to the number of units it contains, it becomes possible to represent your name by a
geometric symbol.


The distribution of your symbols in the three planes of the universe tells you what your place is, what archetypal force guides your steps and directs your destiny.

Watch our video

Discover the origin and principles of Geo-Numerology.

Who is geonumerology for?

Anyone wishing to evolve, to progress, to get closer to their goal,
to finally live in coherence with oneself.


psychological numerology

If you want to know how others perceive you, this defines your image in their mind. Which sphere do you activate first in contact with your environment? Where do you get your energy from? What is your preferred method of reasoning, collecting and processing information?
circle, symbol of self

spiritual numerology

If somewhere between 40 and 60 years old, you have given up on your biggest dream, left out the biggest vision you had of yourself. It is time to renew contact with your divine nucleus and take up the challenge of living in coherence with yourself.

Predictive numerology

If you are tired of experiencing the vagaries of life and want to regain control of the game, geonumerology tells you where you are in your cycles and tells you the key dates that mark your life path, allowing you to better anticipate the future.

How geonumerology works?

Geonumerology is a multi-disciplinary mix of Sacred Geometry, deepth psychology and esoteric philosophy.

Geometric number display

Genumerology allows the geometrical visualization of the number, thus making its interpretation possible.

Shape psychology

It is inspired by CGJung's work: individuation, archetypes, collective unconscious, etc.

The science of linking

A systemic approach where the interpretation of the link is more important than that of a number taken in isolation.

Numbers in the Three Worlds Matrix

Interpretation based on the place occupied by the number in the matrix or tree of the Three Worlds.

A method designed for self-discovery

Geonumerology encompasses all layers of your personality, from the most intimate to the most public.

A vibratory numerology

According to the law of attraction, the similar attracts the similar. What energies are you going to attract?

Geo-Numerology: a journey to Self, Others, and the Universe

Unlock the keys to understanding Yourself, deepening your Relationships, and finding your place in the Cosmos through the interplay of numbers and sacred geometry.



To be the cause and not the consequence

Discovering Yourself

Explore the paths that allow your personality to shine.

Reconnect with your divine core and embrace the challenge of living in harmony with yourself.
drop the mask


Dare to be yourself

Listening to Others

Help those around you identify their true nature and better understand their future.

Quickly decode the way your interlocutors function.
What is the Meaning of life


In accordance with its program

Aligned with the Universe

Adopt a ternary and fractal way of thinking. Rediscover the central place of humanity in the Universe.

For professionals, add a new skill to complement your current discipline.

Extracts from a study

Each study is completely personal. Composed of 40 color pages in pdf format, 
it includes a description of each of your symbols and offers a summary.

What Our Customers Are Saying

Some comments from our clients following the completion of a personal study

"I thank you very much for this exciting work (...) It is for me a further confirmation that I am on my way and on my path of abundance!!!! Gratitude again for your work and your enlightenment !!!"
symbol of the number 60

Nathalie D.

"Thank you very much for this valuable and informative study. I would like to underline the aesthetics of your restitution which I find magnificent, the colors chosen are harmonious, the presentation is clear. It is a pleasure for the eyes to discover your work!"
symbol of the number 35

Isabelle D.

"Much of what has been written resembles me and I understand better some of my behaviors and reactions to life and its challenges."
symbol of the number 11

Béatrice Le G.

"Thank you very much for this study, which I find very relevant and even disturbing. (…)"
symbol of the number 13

Olivia B.

"Thank you for your work and your feedback on my personal study of Geo-numerology. It is of great use to me in order to advance on my path, step by step."
symbol of the number 12

Audrey G.

"I thank you for this personal study that has resonated deeply with me. It revealed aspects of my personality that I did not suspect and potentials that I needed to develop and express in order to be able to realize my full potential. Thank you very much for this wonderful work."
symbol of the number 13

Christine G.

"Thank you very much for this in-depth work ! I recognize myself in everything and it's incredible…"
symbol of the number 25

Nathalie C.

"I wanted to thank you for your professionalism and the accuracy of your analysis. Once again, thank you for your work, which I admire."
symbol of the number 11

Loïc Bernard B.


Don't spend a decade being someone you're not

Do you know this unknown being that lies dormant in you?
The main idea that unconsciously guides your steps?
Your personal study will show you how to discover it,give it room and give it the opportunity to come true.
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