Discover your inner nature

The First Personality Reading Based On 
The Sacred Geometry Of Your Name Symbols.

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Personality Types

Numerical profile
personality types

The current anguish of not finding one's place, this anxiety of not seeing the world adapted to our expectations, simply translates for the person who expresses it the unconscious but very real choice to give its own scale as a measure of the universe.

Finding one's place means above all knowing what our relative measure is in relation to the world. This is the full scope of Plato's masterful teaching in the paradigm of the line.

Your playground

Man is the measure of all things

In the part devoted to Geometry, we treated the individual from a psychological point of view, by highlighting the characteristic elements of his personality.

In this part, we will especially insist on the position that symbols occupy within the matrix.

The fact of having a symbol "in a box" activates the number in question as well as the qualities linked to it. The more different numbers you have (maximum 5 + 1), the more varied your abilities are.

We must have a clear understanding of the ideal we are pursuing, the mission that has been set for us in order to serve it better.

The whole process of geonumerology aims at highlighting the paths that lead from the I to the Self while taking into account the faculties you have.

All the problems of existence are essentially problems of harmony. They are born from the perception of an imbalance and or a unity to be discovered.

Missing numbers

Not enough
missing numbers

Not having numbers in a world does not facilitate the task of individuation which is to experience the Self (one's deepest desires) in the reality of the I through the Me (the conscious individual).

Bringing together the top and the bottom in order to re-establish contact between the two poles so that energy can flow.


No number in the line of the "SELF" : Lack of Vision

If the line of the Self is empty, it offers no archetypal support, no form of ideal to orient the individual towards something greater than himself, the development of the individual will be affected. The one who suffers from it does not open himself sufficiently to the unconscious. The lack of listening, of welcome or receptivity towards his own interior world, inevitably brings a disconnection with his "raison d'être", his "divine core". There is in this subject a conscious or unconscious repression of what goes up in him.


No number in line of the "Me": Lack of Affirmation

If the ego line is empty, the individual has a weak personality. Not having his own system of thought, nor a precise desire, he lets himself be guided either by his personal unconscious or by the collective unconscious, the image that others reflect back to him. He will often tend to wear a mask in society and may even have no remorse to deceive his world. Unless it is a person without ego and who invests himself in the community going as far as forgetting himself.


No number in the line of the "I" : Lack of Participation

If the I line is empty, the individual seems to find it difficult to integrate into society, to express his ideas, to live in a community. He or she is very concerned about personal issues. The risk is to lose touch with reality and not be able to experience who they really are.

Numbers in excess

Too much


Excess in line of "Self"

If the line of the Self contains several symbols, the individual risks being quickly overwhelmed by the unconscious contents and losing contact with reality. One of the main dangers that can result from this is megalomania. This can translate for the individual by a high opinion of himself, the feeling of being the bearer of a mission. It asserts itself as all knowledge and takes the attitude of a master towards everyone.


Excess in line of "Me"

The process of individuation is the gradual birth of a new Higher Self. One of the dangers of having too many symbols in the line of the Higher Self (greater than 3) is to cause inflation, which is the state of consciousness of the overinflated ego and a negative attitude towards everyone.


Excess in line of "I"

The individual acts according to established thought patterns. One could even say that he reacts. Having neither a very assertive personality nor a mission that pushes him to transcend himself, he is more in reaction than in action even if he always seems agitated and full of energy. The individual who places himself in the I, "I exist", will always act hidden behind a social or professional mask to exist and appear, but not to Be.

We consider that there is excess when three or more numbers are present in one world, the profile having only two numbers left for the other two worlds.
to much numbers in a row

Balanced and unbalanced profiles

Too much or not enough

Among the 42.000 possible profiles using the 5 personal symbols, only 6 cases out of 21 are balanced (having at least one symbol in each world): profiles 16 to 21.

All the others have at least one empty line (world) that does not allow them to connect the top and the bottom, unless they have a life path number in that world:

  • Profiles 1 to 6 : no number in the Spiritual World;
  • Profiles 6 to 11 : no number in the Physical World;
  • Profiles 11 to 15 and 1 : no number in the Psychical World;

Only profiles n°16 to n°21 have natural "expression rows".


Among the 1.200.000 possible profiles using the 5 personal symbols and your lie path symbol, only 10 cases out of 28 are balanced (having at least one symbol in each world).

All the others have at least one empty line (world) that does not allow them to connect the top and the bottom, unless they have a life path number in that world:

  • Profiles 1 to 7 : no number in the Spiritual World;
  • Profiles 7 to 13 : no number in the Physical World;
  • Profiles 13 to 18, and 1 : no number in the Psychical World;

Only 10 profiles from 28 (n°19 to n° 28) dispose of natural Rows of Expression (at least one symbol in each line).

Ways of expression

Between heaven and earth

Each of the first 9 numbers has 9 different ways of expression.

In the examples opposite we have selected one path of expression in each of the three Worlds.

« It is a question of becoming, simply but fully, what one can be "in truth", that is to say, in accordance with the truth that one carries within oneself. 
TO INITIATE OURSELF is to build oneself "from within", it is to be more and more one with the best of oneself. To be is to become and to realize oneself according to one's dominant action and thought. »

M. Benharoche Baralia ~ In the shadow of the cosmic tradition
way of expression for number 1

If your expression symbol is located in the Spiritual or Divine World (number 1 in the example), the world of archetypal ideas, in the realm of Strength and Truth. You will need to rely on numbers coming from the two lower Worlds, the Psychological and Physical Worlds, in order to achieve unity in your Self, to join the Above, the Higher Self (your aspirations) and the Below, the Lower Self (your concrete realisations).

“The arrow of Enlightened / Guides - 147” is particularly beneficial and offer the possibility of complete fulfilment.

"I aspire to Strength (1) by manifesting the Light of Knowledge (7) through my Mind and my Thoughts (4)."

way of expression for number 5

If your expression symbol is located in the Psychological or Human World (number 5 in the example), the world of the Conscious Self, in the realm of the Heart and feelings :

You will need to rely on numbers coming from the lower (Physical) World as well as from the higher (Spiritual) World in order to achieve unity in your Self, to join the Above, the Higher Self (your aspirations) and the Below, the Lower Self (your concrete realisations).

“The arrow of Initiates - 357” is particularly beneficial and offer the possibility of complete fulfilment.

"My Heart (5) manifests its Wisdom (3) by drawing on the knowledge of the ancients, in the Light of Time (7)."

way of expression for number 9

If Your expression symbol is located in the Natural or Physical World (number 9 in the example), the world of the Lower Self in the collective, in the realm of Duty and Energy :

You will need to rely on numbers coming from the two higher Worlds, the Spiritual and Psychological Worlds, in order to achieve unity in your Self, to join the Above, the Higher Self (your aspirations) and the Below, the Lower Self (your concrete realisations).

The arrow of therapists - 369” is particularly beneficial and offer the possibility of complete fulfilment.

"I achieve fulfilment with my commitments to the collective (9) through my creations (6), inspired by Wisdom (3)."

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