The First Personality Reading Based On
The Sacred Geometry Of Your Name Symbols.
"From the hidden point emanates the inner Holy Palace (through the lines emanating from this point along the six directions of space)."
- René Guénon ~ The Symbolism of the Cross
In numerology, the number 7 is obtained by adding the digits of a number or a word until you get a single digit equal to 7. Here is how to get a number 7 in numerology:
If you have a number between 10 and 99, you can get a number 7 by adding its digits together. For example, for the number 88, you add 8 + 8 = 16. And 16 = 1 + 6 = 7.
If you have a number greater than 99, you can get a number 7 by repeating the operation until you get a single digit. For example, for the number 574, you add 5 + 7 + 4 = 16, then 1 + 6 = 7. For the number 1240, you add 1 + 2 + 4 = 7.
If you have a word, you can get a number 7 by adding the numbers corresponding to each letter of this word, according to the correspondence of the letters of the alphabet with the numbers of numerology.
For example, for the word "grape" you add 9 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 5 = 43, then 34 = 7. The numerical reduction of the word "grape" is therefore 7.
In summary, to obtain a number 7 in numerology (see table opposite), there are 4 possibilities, or "source numbers": 16, 25, 34 and 70.
In sacred geometry, the number 7 can be associated with many different geometric shapes and symbolic meanings. Here are some examples of geometric shapes that can be associated with the number 7 in sacred geometry:
The first way to obtain the number 7 in geonumerology comes from the source number 16 obtained by adding a unit to a hexagon, that is the decomposition 1 + 6.
The decomposition 1 + 6 corresponds geometrically to the construction of the centered hexagonal numbers found in the Flower of Life.
The second way to obtain the number 7 in geonumerology comes from the source number 25 obtained by adding a Vesica Piscis to a Templar cross, respecting 11235 ...
The decomposition 2 + 5 corresponds geometrically to the Seed of Life, also called the sacred rose window, representing the mystery of creation.
The third way to obtain the number 7 in geonumerology comes from the source number 34 obtained by adding a triangle to a tetrahedron, that is the decomposition 3 + 4.
The decomposition 3 + 4 corresponds geometrically to the family of mixed symbols in mutation composed by a triangle and a tetrahedron.
The fourth way to obtain the number 7 in geonumerology comes from the source number 70 obtained by adding a unit to a hexagram (the heptagram is not a divisor of the circle 360).
The decomposition 7 + 0 corresponds geometrically to a centered hexagram (heptagram is not a divisor of the circle).
The number 7 is often associated with wisdom, spirituality and contemplation. It is also considered a number of mystery and reflection.
The number 7 is often considered a mystical and spiritual number in numerology. It is generally interpreted as symbolizing spiritual awakening and deep knowledge.
The number 7 is also often associated with individuality and the search for meaning in life. It can be interpreted as indicating that a person is in the process of self-discovery and finding their own path in life.
The number 7 is also often associated with analysis and reflection, and can indicate that someone is inclined to think deeply about things and seek answers to their questions.
Here are some characteristics that might be associated with the number 7:
An excess of 7 can also mean that a person is too focused on intellect and ideas, to the detriment of his emotions and social life. He may be overly critical of himself and others, and lacks flexibility and openness. He may also be too attached to his ideas and beliefs, and have difficulty accepting the opinions of others. He may also be too distant or secret, and have difficulty connecting with others.
To remedy an excess of 7, it is important to develop a more global understanding and open-mindedness, learn to accept the opinions of others, and balance the need for solitude with social life.
In numerology, a lack of 7 can mean a difficulty in finding deep meaning in life and its experiences, as well as finding a place in the world. It can also indicate a tendency to lack wisdom and reflection before acting, and to have difficulty focusing and learning new things.
A lack of 7 can also mean that a person is too focused on practical and material details, at the expense of overall understanding and spirituality. He may be too shallow and have difficulty connecting with others. He may also be too impulsive and have difficulty focusing on ideas and concepts.
The number 3 is considered to be compatible with the 7 because they are both related to creativity and self-expression. The 3 is also a number of communication and socialization, which can be beneficial to the 7, who tends to be more solitary.
The number 5 is also considered compatible with the 7 as they both have an inquisitive and adventurous spirit. The 5 is also a freedom number, which can be beneficial to the 7 who can sometimes be too analytical and serious.
The number 9 is considered compatible with the 7 as they both have a strong sense of spirituality and depth of thought. The number 9 is also a number of compassion and service, which can be beneficial to the 7 who can sometimes be too focused on themselves.
First attribute of the Natural or Physical World
The number 7 is located in the third row: Natural or Physical World.
The number 7 is located in the first column: Divine or Spiritual Attribute.
The number 7 represents the reflection of the Divine World in the Natural World through sunlight, and its corollary, time, etc.
Knowledge at the service of oneself: bringing to light my ideas, etc.
Associated terms: light, knowledge, interiority, meditation, etc.
Law in play : law of cycles.
Topology : the reflection of the Top in the Bottom
In numerology, if your symbol of expression corresponds to the number 7, you will need to rely on numbers (to be identified among your personal numbers) coming from the two Higher Worlds, the Spiritual and the Human, in order to realize the unity in the Self, to link the Upper, the Self (your aspirations) and the Lower, the I (your concrete achievements).
The path of expression of the number 7 is generally related to the search for knowledge, analysis and understanding. It can be related to the ability to be spiritual (with 3), the ability to meditate, the ability to reflect (with 2), the ability to be wise (with 3) and the ability to be introspective (with 4). It is also related to the ability to be analytical (with 6), the ability to be curious, and the ability to be insightful (with 5).
The paths indicated with a "compass rose" are particularly beneficial and offer the possibility of full fulfillment for a person with the number 7 in expression:
To know your expression symbol, as well as your other personal symbols, you just have to fill in the form in the top banner.
The 7 planets of classical astrology, the 7 days of the week.
The Sacred Rosette or Flower of Life, etc. Also called the sacred rose window, the Flower of Life is also found at the base of Sacred Geometry because it contains in its development the mystery of creation.
The 7 Chakras. The principle of alignment related to the chakras also applies to the centered hexagram whose role is precisely to maintain in balance the two triangles.
The Seed of Life or rosette of our childhood. Its hexagonal structure allows it to be the receptacle of many symbolic systems: the 7 planets and the 12 signs, the 72 genies of the magician, the tree of the Sephiroth, the Tetractys or the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching.
The 7 churches, the 7 sacraments, the 7 days of creation, etc. The center of the hexagon represents the return to the center, the repositioning after the six-day creation. "From the hidden point emanates the Holy Palace within.
Alchemists consider the existence of seven pure metals: gold, silver, mercury, lead, tin, iron and copper. The 7 colors, etc.
The 7 crystal forms. The crystals are classified in seven systems according to the symmetry of their faces, defined by axes of symmetry around which the crystal can turn while presenting always the same aspect. etc
The word chakra means "wheel of energy". Chakras are derived from a belief system in Hinduism. Chakras are "centers of light and energy" and are believed to have a physical and physiological reality just like other organs.