The First Personality Reading Based On
The Sacred Geometry Of Your Name Symbols.
All numbers with the number 7 for reduction are obtained using the following four forms:
• 16 = 1 + 6 = 7
• 25 = 2 + 5 = 7
• 34 = 3 + 4 = 7
• 70 = 7 + 0 = 7
The number 70 is the rarest of all, appearing in only 10% of cases.
The Centered Hexagram concentrates the energies in the center ensuring a beautiful harmony to the symbol. Symbol of Light, Knowledge, Philosophy.
The Centered Hexagram, or seven-pointed star, symbolizes the phases of the alchemical process that aims to obtain the Philosopher's Stone. Associated with the seven planets and the seven colors, it symbolizes the multiplication of intellectual and spiritual experiences.
Your capacity for analysis and your thirst for understanding mean that you like to forage for many sources of knowledge. Beware of illusions.
Per aspera ad astra
« By arduous paths to the stars. »
"I realize my full potential by sharing my spiritual search with the community."
In the matrix, 7_7 is located in the Physical World, in the third line, which represents the "I" and its manifestation in the community, and in the attribute of Light, Knowledge, in the first column, the one that evokes ideas, thoughts and the power of intention).
Location in the matrix: 7
Bottom row - First column
70 = 7 + 0 = 7
“Mysteries will be revealed over Time (7), and Knowledge (7), hitherto hidden, will be brought to light (7), enabling the consultant to access a deeper and more enlightened understanding.”
Interpretation : 70 indicates a period when, over time, hidden truths and profound knowledge will be revealed to the consultant. This process of revelation, guided by the light of time, allows access to greater wisdom and understanding of mysteries that were previously veiled. The consultant is invited to be patient, as time will bring the necessary clarity to unveil what is still unknown, illuminating the path to greater knowledge.
Unity Truth Strength |
Balance kindness Love |
Harmony Beauty Wisdom |
Mind Think Eyes |
Soul Feel Word |
Body Do Hands |
Ligth Knowledge Time |
Heat Power Space |
Life Duty Energy |
Interpretation : a phrase taken from Genesis in the Bible (Genesis 1:3), where God creates light to separate the darkness. This phrase is often used to symbolize awakening, revelation or the clarity that emerges after darkness or ignorance. It embodies the idea of enlightenment, the awakening of consciousness, where the inner darkness of doubt, fear or misunderstanding is dispelled by the light of reason, intuition or spirituality.
the Diameter,
Having the number 7 as the number of expression represented by the Centered Hexahragram makes you a "representative" of knowledge. With a seeker's soul, this profile likes solitude. Gifted for teaching, writing or sciences, it draws its energy from within. Possessing the form of the "Spiritual Body" he is attracted by religion, philosophy and ancient sciences.
Several paths exist to express the Knowledge of the centered hexagram but some paths are more promising than others, because they allow a favorable alignment of energies for the realization of his vocation. Such is the case in particular of the "arrows" formed of the numbers 147 and 167
For example all the numbers of the "arrow 741" are reflections of the unit: 4 = 1+2+3+4 = 10 = 1 and 7 = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 = 28 = 1
The "arrow 167" is that of the creator (1), revealed to the public (7) thanks to his creation (6).