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The Natural or Physical World

The incarnation plan
The Natural World

Matrix of the Natural or Physical World

Cartesian approach

Time, Space and Energy

Let's apply the analogical method to these three items :

TimeTime in TimeSpace in TimeEnergy in Time
SpaceTime in SpaceSpace in SpaceEnergy in Space
EnergyTime in EnergySpace in EnergyEnergy in Energy

We seek to define the main characteristic of each item and its representation in the other two worlds.

TimeBig BangSpeedPower

We're about to see just how far apart these terms seem to be, but in fact they form a single reality.

As P.V. Piobb says in his "Universal key to the secret sciences":

« The universe is space in time, and it is bathed in a whole that is energy. For the universe is animated by infinite movement. There are therefore three things in the world: time, space and energy. »

Interpretation grid

Explanations of key concepts:

  • Principle of Time (Time/Time): The Big Bang marks the beginning of the universe and the initial propagation of light, illustrating the fundamental principle of time.
  • Speed (Time/Space): Time is reflected in the measurement of speed, representing the movement of objects through space over time.
  • Power (Time/Energy): Time is expressed as power, which is the amount of energy transferred or transformed per unit of time.
  • Relativity (Space/Time): Time and space are interconnected according to the theory of relativity.
  • Principle of Space (Space/Space): Shapes and dimensions represent the physical structure of objects in space, illustrating the fundamental principle of space.
  • Matter (Space/Energy): Light quanta, depending on their relative number, are sucked into space-time and take up position on morphogenetic structures to become matter.
  • Cycles (Energy/Time): Time is expressed in frequency, representing the cycles to which matter is subjected.
  • Movement (Energy/Space): Energy influences movement, showing the change in position or state of objects in space.
  • Principle of Energy (Energy/Energy): Vibrations and waves are perpetual vibratory wave fields, illustrating the fundamental principles of energy.

Keywords of the Physical World

Semantic Fields

Numbers Number 7 Number 8 Number 9
Principles Time Space Energy
Sun properties Light Heat Life
Attraction Gravity Affinity Cohesion
Interations Gravitational ElectroM Atomic forces
Movements Linear Undulatory Spiral
Commitments Knowledge Power Duty
Laws Cycles Karma Transmutation

Time, Space and Energy

Since Einstein and his famous formula E = mc2, we know that time is relative, that is to say that it varies according to the observer.

Unification Space-Time

Einstein's formula makes it possible to treat time and space in the same frame of reference by describing a distance d in terms of time: d = ct where t is the time needed at the speed of light (c) to travel a distance d.

Matter-Energy Unification.

Quantum theory unifies the concepts of matter and energy: it is matter itself that creates its own energy by releasing an "energy field" around it. Thanks to it, we now know that matter, especially at the level of the infinitely small, is no longer matter, but energy, vibrations, and that the outcome of the experiment is influenced and even determined by the observer.

The Great Unification: the Time-Energy Continuum?

Superstring theory attempts final unification. It aims to unite the Top and the Bottom, to unite the space-time continuum and the matter-energy continuum, the container and the content. This theory describes the universe as composed of strings in constant vibration according to their tension.

This vision is reminiscent of the music of the spheres of Pythagoras or the notion of "wave lines" of the Australian aborigines, who describe the universe as a mesh of intersecting lines of energy forming reality.

Depending on the wavelength of this vibration, the string would appear as such or such particle in the world of matter.

Matter occupies a certain Space. Geometry is the science of space and extent, which makes Martin Etchegoyen say in De l'Unité that :

« Extent is the very essence of matter. Without extent, which necessarily includes in its notion the three geometric dimensions, matter is an elusive being, absolutely incomprehensible, susceptible to increase or decrease". »

It is our vision of extent in 3D that gives us an idea of what matter is through the shape it takes and that first informs us.

The Tree of Natural or Physical World

The place of incarnation

Man is embodied in a spatio-temporal and energetic framework, integrating his existence into the fundamental dimensions of the universe.

  • Spatially, the individual occupies a specific place and interacts with his physical environment, shaping and being shaped by the spaces he inhabits.
  • Temporally, man is inscribed in the ceaseless flow of time, marked by the succession of moments, personal evolution and the cycles of life.
  • Energetically, every human being is a manifestation of vital energy, linking body, mind and emotions. This energy, which animates and transforms, is both received and emitted, in constant interaction with the environment and other living beings.

Thus, human incarnation is a dynamic synthesis of these three dimensions, where space, time and energy converge to create a unique and complex life experience.

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