The First Personality Reading Based On
The Sacred Geometry Of Your Name Symbols.
All numbers with the number 2 for reduction are obtained using the following two forms:
• 11 = 1 + 1 = 2
• 20 = 2 + 0 = 2
The number 20 is very rare compared to the number 11 since it appears in only 10% of cases. Its geometrical decomposition corresponds to the addition of a line (composed of two points) to a circle (associated with the zero), separating the latter into two equal parts symbolizing the couples up/down, spirit/matter, yin yang, ...
"The geometric line is an invisible being. It is the trace of the moving point, therefore its product. It is born of movement - and this by the annihilation of the supreme immobility of the point. Here the leap from the static to the dynamic occurs. »
V. Kandinsky
Symbol of Salt in alchemy, mixture of sulphur and mercury or the Great Asian Extreme. The diameter separates the circle in two: the top and the bottom, the Sky and the Earth. Turned towards the world, open to new experiences, you may find it difficult to find your way, to make your own choices. The Diameter also evokes the division that the seed makes to germinate, and extend in a stem upwards and roots downwards. Likewise, it reminds us of cell division, and this simple truth: life comes from division. The other senses associated with it are transmission, but also rupture and sacrifice.
"Each one seeks his half."
Plato - Le Banquet
"I wish a passionate love. I'm in search of my soul mate."
Your symbol is located in the World of Archetypes (in the first line, which represents the idea of the Self, and in particular here one's own aspirations), and in the attribute of Love (in the second column, the one that evokes the relationship that is built between Me and the Other).
Place in the matrix:
Location in the matrix: 2
Top row - Second column
20 = 2 + 0
Having the number 2 as the expression number, represented by the Diameter, symbol of the number 20 could prove problematic. This symbol is assimilated to the "Great Extreme" in Asia. It also represents the quest for its half. Placed in the place of Love, this symbol evokes a Hypersensitive personalty who has difficulty making choices.
Expressing love is not an easy task. Not everyone has the same moral sense as you. You will have to rely on symbols located in the two lower worlds to fulfill your vocation. Such is the case in particular of the "arrows" formed of the numbers 842 - 862.