The First Personality Reading Based On
The Sacred Geometry Of Your Name Symbols.
All the numbers having the number 2 for reduction are obtained using the two following forms:
• 11 = 1 + 1 = 2
• 20 = 2 + 0 = 2
The number 11 appears in 90% of cases. Suffice to say that both are 11 except 20. A serious questioning of this number as "master-number"!
Composed of two circles united center-to-center, the Vesica Piscis is the ancestral symbol of Christ (in the image of the Father). More generally, it evokes the relationship between Me and the Other, between the Me and the Self (our little inner voice).
"I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me. "John 14.6
Symbol of the prime couple, this symbol evokes the relationship between the Other and Me. Like your symbol, consisting of the area of intersection between the two circles, you pick up external information by vibrational resonance. Your natural empathy has allowed you to develop an extraordinary intuition. However, learn to better protect yourself from bad waves, you are so easily affected. It is also the sign of people who only come true through Love and cannot envisage an existence alone.
"You carry within yourself a sublime friend whom you do not know. For God resides in the interior of every man, but can know how to find him."
~ Bhagavad-Gita
“I aspire to universal love. My dual character invites me to master my relationship with the Other. "
Your symbol is located in the World of Archetypes, on the first line, which represents the idea that one has of oneself, and in particular here one's own aspirations, and in the attribute of Love, in the second column, that evokes the relationship that is built between Me and the Other.
Location in the matrix: 2
Top row - Second column
11 = 1 + 1 = 2
“The meeting of two Unities (1) creates Balance (2), where Love (2) and Sharing emerge, enabling the consultant to evolve towards a relational harmony based on reciprocity and benevolence.”
Interpretation : 11 symbolizes the union of two forces or people, who, by coming together, create a balance based on love and sharing. The consultant is invited to seek harmonious relationships in which each unit contributes to the overall balance, fostering a fluid, balanced exchange between the parties. Love and cooperation become the pillars of this encounter.
Unity Truth Strength |
Balance kindness Love |
Harmony Beauty Wisdom |
Mind Think Eyes |
Soul Feel Word |
Body Do Hands |
Ligth Knowledge Time |
Heat Power Space |
Life Duty Energy |
This quote emphasizes that everything that exists is interconnected through your own experience. By recognizing this unity, you become a mirror of the universe, revealing the link that unites you with everything around you.
Having the number 2 as the number of expression, represented by the Vesica Piscis, symbol of the number 11, translates a sensitive personality, endowed with natural empathy which makes them excellent advisers .
Expressing love is not an easy task. Not everyone has the same moral sense as you. You will have to rely on symbols located in the two lower worlds to realize your vocation. This is particularly the case for the "arrows" formed from the numbers 752 - 852.