The First Personality Reading Based On
The Sacred Geometry Of Your Name Symbols.
"Omnia trinum est perfectum"
"Anything that goes in threes is perfect"
In numerology, the number 3 is obtained by adding the digits of a number or a word until you get a single digit equal to 3. Here is how to get a number 3 in numerology:
If you have a number between 10 and 99, you can get a number 3 by adding its digits together. For example, for the number 39, you add 3 + 9 = 12. And 12 = 1 + 2 = 3.
If you have a number greater than 99, you can get a number 3 by repeating the operation until you get a single digit. For example, for the number 570, you add 5 + 7 = 12, then 1 + 2 = 3. For the number 1236, you add 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 = 12, then 1 + 2 = 3.
If you have a word, you can get a number 3 by adding the numbers corresponding to each letter of this word, according to the correspondence of the letters of the alphabet with the numbers of numerology.
For example, for the word "glory", you add 7 (g) + 3 (l) + 6 (o) + 9 (i) + 9 (r) + 5 (e) = 39, then 3 + 9 = 12. And finally, 12 = 1 + 2 = 3. The numerical reduction of the word "glory" is therefore 3.
To sum up, to obtain a number 3 in numerology (see table opposite), there are 2 possibilities, or "source-numbers": 12 and 30.
In sacred geometry, the number 3 can be associated with many different geometric shapes and symbolic meanings. Here are some examples of geometric shapes that can be associated with the number 3 in sacred geometry:
The first way to obtain the number 3 in numerology comes from the source number 12 obtained by adding one unit to two units, i.e. the decomposition 1 + 2.
The decomposition 1 + 2 corresponds geometrically to the addition of a pointed circle (taken as a unit of measurement) to a Vesica Piscis
The second way to obtain the number 3 in numerology comes from the source number 30 obtained by adding a triangle to a circle, i.e. the decomposition 3 + 0.
The decomposition 3 + 0 corresponds geometrically to the division of the circle into three equal parts forming an equilateral triangle.
The number 3 is often interpreted as symbolizing creativity, self-expression and communication in numerology. It can also be associated with qualities such as optimism, enthusiasm and joie de vivre.
The number 3 can also be interpreted as symbolizing the triad, the trinity and the holy trinity, as well as the idea of achieving harmony through the combination of different aspects or forces.
It can also be associated with the idea of achieving prosperity and abundance.
The number 3 is often considered a number of creativity, communication and personal development. It is also associated with self-expression and freedom of choice.
Here are some characteristics that might be associated with the number 3:
However, in general, an excess of 3 in numerology could be interpreted as a tendency to be overly extroverted and have a strong need for professional or social recognition.
This can be accompanied by a need for constant entertainment and a tendency to be superficial in relationships.
It can also be linked to a tendency to be emotional and have difficulty focusing or setting a long-term goal.
A lack of 3 in numerology can mean a lack of creativity, communication and self-expression.
It can also indicate a lack of self-confidence and lightness of approach to life. It can be helpful to work on these aspects of oneself to regain inner balance and harmony.
In numerology, having a lack of 3 can also mean that you have difficulty expressing your emotions and communicating clearly and accurately. It can also indicate that you lack creativity and imagination. You may have trouble having fun and relaxing, which can affect your emotional well-being. To remedy a lack of 3, it can be helpful to work on your communication and creativity, such as expressing your emotions appropriately, taking time to entertain and have fun, and letting your imagination run wild.
In general, the number 3 is associated with creativity, self-expression and communication, while the number 4 is associated with stability, structure and practice. If these numbers are present in a significant way in a person's numerology, they could indicate a balance between creativity and stability, or a tension between the two.
For example, the number 3 is often compatible with the number 5 associated with adaptability, experience and freedom.
In general, the numbers 3 and 6 are considered to be in harmony with each other, as they are both numbers of creativity, sensitivity and communication. A relationship between these two numbers could therefore be characterized by creativity, communication and harmony.
Third attribute of the Divine or Spiritual World
The number 3 is located in the first row: Divine or Spiritual World
The number 3 is located in the third column: Natural or Physical Attribute
The number 3 is the reflection of the Physical World in the Divine World through the Holy Spirit or creative force.
Wisdom in the service of an Idea: "I aspire to convince and set in motion. I am the master of time."
Associated terms: triangle, proportion, reasoning, trinity, ternary law, Three Worlds etc.
Law in play: law of creation.
Topology: the reflection of the bottom in the Top
In numerology, if your expression symbol corresponds to the number 3, you will need to rely on numbers (to be identified among your personal numbers) coming from the two lower worlds, the Psychic and the Physical, in order to realize the unity in oneself, to link the Upper, the Self (your aspirations) and the Lower, the I (your concrete achievements).
For people with an Expresion 3 path, it is important to develop their creativity, spontaneity and ability to express themselves. It is also important to develop their ability to communicate effectively and establish positive social relationships (with the 2). It is also important to develop their ability to inspire others and create innovative ideas (with the 7). It is important to focus on self-expression (with the 1), and to find ways to express themselves creatively.
The paths indicated with a "compass rose" are particularly beneficial and offer the possibility of full fulfillment for a person with the number 3 in expression:
To know your expression symbol, as well as your other personal symbols, you just have to fill in the form in the top banner.
The septenary Tri-unit or how to go from 3 to 7.
The constitution of man in spirit, soul and body. Man is a trinity that thinks, feels and acts. When the three sides of the triangle are balanced, we can say that he realizes the tri-unity within himself.
The three kingdoms: animal, vegetable and animal.
The Three Worlds: Deus, Homo and Natura. Namely the Spiritual or Divine World, the Human or Psychological World and finally the Natural or Physical World.
The Triangle: The triangle is one of the three regular tilings of the plane. There are only three regular tilings: triangular, square and hexagonal.
The Three Persons of the Holy Trinity, Osiris-Isis-Horus in Egypt, etc. In Hinduism, the Trimūrti or three forms of divinity that manifest through the gods Brahmâ, Vishnu and Shiva that symbolize creation, preservation and destruction respectively.
The three principles: salt-mercury-sulfur, the three primary colors, etc.
Ternary time (past - present - future), 3D space: three dimensions, etc.
The Self, the Ego and the I. Thoughts, feelings and actions.
Arranged vertically, the three circles of the Triquetra symbolize the Three Worlds: divine, human and natural or spiritual, psychological and physical, or spirit, soul and body.