The First Personality Reading Based On
The Sacred Geometry Of Your Name Symbols.
All numbers with the number 4 for reduction are obtained using the following three forms:
• 13 = 1 + 3 = 4
• 22 = 2 + 2 = 4
• 40 = 4 + 0 = 4
The number 13 appears in 80% of cases. The Tetrahedron would thus seem to be "the common form" of the number 4, as already suggested by Pythagoras through his famous Tetractys.
The number 13 is also the first Platonic Solid associated with Fire. It represents alertness of mind but also easy temperament. This number assures the passage to the Divine or Spiritual World by revealing the mysteries of the Tri-Unity.
The formula 1 + 3 = 4 corresponds to the formation of tetrahedral numbers by adding triangular numbers (See on wikipedia).
Symbol of Fire for Plato, and the first solid in 3D space. The tetrahedron is composed of four "Intellectual Bodies". It reveals a passionate, frank and direct personality, ready to be set on fire for concepts, always in perpetual quest for new knowledge.
If you possess this symbol in expression, your mind is essentially turned towards Spirituality and your personal development. Particularly creative and innovative, you are full of projects. Be careful not to be arrogant or angry.
Spiritus ubi vult spira
"The Spirit blows where it wills."
"I express Strength (1) and Wisdom (3) through my Spirit (4)"
Your symbol is located in the Human World (in the second line, which represents the conscious Self and human productions), and in the attribute of Spirit in man (in the first column, the one that evokes ideas, thoughts and the power of intention.
Place in the matrix:
Location in the matrix: 2
Top row - First column
13 = 1 + 3 = 4
Having the number 4 as the number of expression represented by the tetrahedron, symbol of the number 13, indicates that you have your your own system of thought and that your vocation will be to express it. But this cannot be achieved without the support of the Divine or Spiritual World and the Physical World. The spirit only takes shape when it is reflected, like light.
Several paths exist to "materialize the spirit" but some paths are more promising than others, for they allow a favorable alignment of energies for the realization of one's vocation. This is the case in particular of the "arrows" formed by the numbers 741 - 743.
• For example all the numbers of the "arrow 741" are reflections of the unit: 4 = 1+2+3+4 = 10 = 1 and 7 = 1 =1+2+3+4+5+6+7 = 28 = 1
• The "arrow 743" which represents the path of the intellect which relies on "knowledge" to develop a spirit of synthesis (4) charged with expressing Truth, Wisdom.